
Eleven-year-old Zoe was born with Down Syndrome. Her journey has been challenging, but she’s proven that nothing will hold her back.

Zoe’s milestones were tough. Communicating was a barrier; she was only pointing until the age of three. Early intervention would be key for the family.

Coming from a small town, Zoe was loved and accepted. However, the family didn’t have access to the many services they could have. Luckily, when they moved to Fort Lauderdale, her uncle who is a pediatrician suggested CDTC.

At age 6, the family starting seeing Dr. Robinson and joined our Lift a Child to Health program for help. In fact, today they live in Coral Springs but continue to travel to the Center for the assistance the family needs.

Zoe’s family have always remained optimistic though managing her health needs has been challenging. They’ve made sure her condition has never changed how much she is loved of how she’s treated.

Mom has always been eager to learn more about her daughter’s diagnosis. Working together with her CDTC care team has helped the family stay on track and Zoe thrive.

Speech therapy aided the little girl learn to communicate. Zoe became calmer and more wise. Now a pre-teen, Zoe is becoming more aware of the things she can and cannot do. She is stubborn and occasionally frustrated, but she is growing into quite the extraordinary young lady.

Thanks to a wonderful special needs teacher, Zoe is doing great in school. She has started the sixth grade, enjoying science and reading. Zoe loves homework, making sure it’s the first things she does when she gets home. Her tenacity earned her “Student of the Year” last year.

School isn’t just about learning though. Zoe is popular and social. She loves making friends and is always empathetic about her fellow students’ well being.

Zoe continually strives to be the best version of herself. With the love, acceptance and support of her family and CDTC, she is a positive and happy child.

“Overall, it’s hard and there will be moments you feel like crashing down,” shares Mom Zoe. “But it’s good to remain positive.”

Her mom has learned a lot about Zoe over the years. She continues to be proud of her daughter and amazed at how smart and motivated her amazing little girl is. She is thankful for the love and care Zoe receives at CDTC.

About our Hero of the Month

Each month, CDTC staff nominate one of our children as our Hero of the Month. These special boys and girls are heroes in our eyes. They show strength, perseverance, determination and a positive outlook while facing great challenges.

Their stories are powerful and heartwarming and reflect the impact CDTC and you, our community, has on their daily lives.

A trip to our Clinic is more than just a doctor’s visit to a child with special healthcare needs.

But, insurance doesn’t cover everything. That’s why your gift is so important.