Nominated by Carlos Camacho, LCH Program
In the world of healthcare, heroes can be found not only among the dedicated professionals but also among the patients who inspire us with their courage and resilience. We are proud to honor and celebrate Samantha as our CDTC Hero, whose journey has touched the hearts of all those that know her.
Samantha was born at Broward Health Medical Center nearly a year ago. At one week old, she came into Dr. Robinson’s care at CDTC. She was immediately referred to the Lift a Child to Health (LCH) program for medical care coordination services to assist connecting her to the array of subspecialists the family would come to know very well. She also went on to become eligible for the Early Steps program and is actively receiving services to assist with her developmental goals. This army of professionals have all banded together to help address Samantha’s condition – Crouzon syndrome. This is a rare genetic disorder in which there is premature fusion of the fibrous joints between certain bones of the skull which allow for an infant’s head to grow and expand.
Her LCH care coordinator has helped to connect Samantha’s family to all the recommended specialists to help treat and manage her condition, including neurology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, optometry, and genetics. In August 2023, after months of preparation and expert consultations, Samantha underwent her first cranial surgery. The LCH care coordinator met with the family at the hospital in the ICU following the surgery to ensure they had all the support in place they needed. In the short time since that surgery, her family has noticed gains in Samantha’s social skills and other developmental milestones. After the surgery, Samantha started “blowing raspberries” and making vocalizations that they have never heard from her. They feel that their daughter is more engaged and responsive than ever before.
Samantha’s parents credit the CDTC team for providing medical expertise, services, and attention beyond what they would experience in a typical primary care setting. Mom feels Dr. Robinson was able to help her understand her daughter’s diagnosis and what to expect from surgeries. She went on to express that having the support of a care coordinator has really helped the family with the various appointments and resource needs that have come up throughout the year. Their faith, family, and trust in their care team has carried them a long way. The family’s advice to any family going through a similar diagnosis would be to not give up! CDTC honors Samantha as she nears her first birthday to commend her and her family for providing inspiration through their strength and resilience.
About our Hero of the Month
Each month, CDTC staff nominate one of our children as our Hero of the Month. These special boys and girls are heroes in our eyes. They show strength, perseverance, determination and a positive outlook while facing great challenges.
Their stories are powerful and heartwarming and reflect the impact CDTC and you, our community, has on their daily lives.
A trip to our Clinic is more than just a doctor’s visit to a child with special healthcare needs.
But, insurance doesn’t cover everything. That’s why your gift is so important.