Nominated by Rebecca Saint Eloi
James entered our program in September 2022, at 15 months old. Mom noticed delays in James’s development, specifically his language development and mentioned it to a colleague at CDTC who recommended the Early Steps program.
James was subsequently diagnosed with a motor speech disorder called Apraxia. Mom shared that Apraxia presented numerous challenges for James. She described the frustration he experienced while attempting to communicate his wants and needs. Mom shared over time the Apraxia impacted not only his speech and language development but his motor skills, specifically he experienced challenges with walking and running, frequently falling, or tripping over himself making it difficult to navigate his daily activities. Mom stated this also impacted his emotional wellbeing. James initially received Early Intervention Services from an Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist to address his communication concerns. Soon after services began, he received speech therapy. At the recommendation of the Speech therapist, Occupational therapy and then Physical therapy were added to his Individualized Family Support Plan. Mom reports James has made significant progress in all areas of his development. At a recent Periodic Review, it was noted James is now using 3–4-word phrases to express himself, walking independently, feeding himself and assisting with dressing and undressing.
Mom expressed gratitude for having a supportive partnership with Early Steps who cherishes her son and she enjoys collaborating with the staff. Mom stated that everyone she encountered consistently offered support and guidance to her family.
James is now preparing for the transition from the Early Steps program to Broward County School Pre-K program. Mom is particularly thankful to her Service Coordinator, Rebecca who has gone through a similar transition with her
About our Hero of the Month
Each month, CDTC staff nominate one of our children as our Hero of the Month. These special boys and girls are heroes in our eyes. They show strength, perseverance, determination and a positive outlook while facing great challenges.
Their stories are powerful and heartwarming and reflect the impact CDTC and you, our community, has on their daily lives.
A trip to our Clinic is more than just a doctor’s visit to a child with special healthcare needs.
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