Who are the CDTC Sunflowers?
The CDTC SUNFLOWERS is a group of dedicated, like minded volunteers who “give back” and brighten the lives of children and their families. They are also ambassadors in the community, raising awareness about the difficulties of children with special healthcare needs and the amazing work we do.
Members are invited to an inspirational, quarterly social to learn more about the Center, meet our children and families, and get details about upcoming projects.
Annual dues are a tax deductible donation which provides basic funds for Sunflower projects including our Food Pantry, Diaper Bank, Back to School Drive, Holiday Toy Drive and Spark Joy events for CDTC families and mothers.
Contact Ana at [email protected] to join.
Ongoing & Annual Projects
Food Pantry / Bee Healthy Shelf
Collecting and packing shelf-stable healthy food selections for families in our wellness clinic.
Spark Joy for CDTC Moms
Collection and giveaway of gently used purses and handbags for mothers of our children with special healthcare needs.
Collect new clothing for children ages birth to 10 years, ensuring families can enjoy a special shopping experience together.
*Projects may be subject to change depending upon our families’ needs.