
Your gift today helps us make a difference everyday!

Your gift ensures that children with chronic illnesses and disabilities continue to receive medical care, case management and emergency assistance.

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Your investment of Time, Treasure and Talent helps CDTC create a brighter future for thousands of children and families. Here are some examples for how your contribution can make a difference:

  • $10 allows the Pediatric Primary Care Clinic to provide children’s Ibuprofen when families cannot afford the cost
  • $20 helps provide baby food and formula to families in need
  • $50 covers a child’s dental visit including exam, cleaning and x-rays
  • $100 ensures a child receives their primary care wellness visit
  • $250 fills the diaper bank for one month; supporting the health and wellness of our most vulnerable children
  • $500 stocks the Center’s Food Pantry for a month and provides families with basic nutritional needs
  • $1,000 ensures state-of-the-art-technology is available to deliver the highest quality of care through the Medical Equipment Fund
  • $2,500 supplements the cost of a single HIV+ research participant for a year, as part of our mission for a cure
Every donation helps ensure that CDTC can continue providing services to the thousands of children in our care.


Donations may also be mailed to the Center at:
Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center
Attention: Development Department
1401 S. Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Make checks payable to Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center

We are an IRS-certified 501 (c) (3) organization and your donation may be tax deductible.  Please contact your tax professional as to your specific tax situation.