Extraordinary Children, Healthy Outcomes (ECHO), formerly Medical Home, serves children and youth from birth to 17 who have a developmental disability or are at high risk and have a developmental delay in cognition, language, or physical development. Adolescents enrolled in non-post-secondary school continue receiving services through their 22nd birthday.
Children and youth in the ECHO program are assigned a Care Coordinator who works closely with the Pediatric Primary Care Clinic staff and the family to manage appointments with physicians, specialists, therapists and medical diagnosticians. Other significant functions of the Care Coordinator include coordination of documentation from multiple medical sources, follow up with families on their plan goals and updating the Primary Care physician.
At intake, the ECHO Care Coordinator works with each family to identify strengths and areas of concern in caring for their special needs children and to establish a Family Support Plan (FSP). The FSP is updated every six months, or more often, as new concerns arise. The FSP includes all medical appointments and may also include social, educational or financial goals.
ECHO also offers families health education, providing in-home nurse visits to educate families regarding diagnoses and care. A Registered Dietician is on staff for nutrition evaluation and assistance with dietary management. In addition, for children over the age of three, a Developmental Specialist conducts assessments to address developmental concerns and make recommendations for needed therapies or other educational services.
The medical home model of the ECHO program is reflected in many of the programs at CDTC which offer case management and other coordinated services in partnership with its Primary Care Clinics. This model, established by the American Academy of Pediatrics, is considered an ideal concept for health care and encourages partnership between healthcare providers and families.
Let CDTC’s ECHO Program become your partner in ensuring for the most comprehensive care for your child with a chronic illness, disability or special healthcare need.
For additional information, please contact 954-728-1030